What is this?

Beautiful world is a concept that questions our tendency to perceive the world from a limited perspective, asking us to invite greater nuance, depth, and to nuance the multiple realities that give the world its fullness and interconnectivity. It is a way of viewing and tackling complex problems across domains—be it ecological, political, economic, or spiritual—by suspending our impulse to reduce complexities to binary solutions and instead looking to the stories, connections, and multifaceted realities they contain. Rather than resigning ourselves to the impossible task of seeking to marvel at the ‘objective’ beauty of the world, we are asked to find beauty in openness, in the radical potential of recognizing ourselves in the other, and in our capacity to inhabit a plural world. It is a call towards a post-dualistic worldview that requires us to esteem both the sorrow and joy, performative despair and breath-catching hope that together render this beautiful world.

See also: climate justice, racial justice, contemporary activism, black lives

Bayo Akomolafe: The Times are Urgent, Let Us Slow Down 20,985

Bayo Akomolafe - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview 12,154

Bayo Akomolafe: An Oriki for Our Time 4,556

Global Conference 2014 - Interview of Bayo Akomolafe 2,109

Ten Laws Podcast | Bayo Akomolafe: Uncovering Bones (#112) 482